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模式识别与人工智能  2022, Vol. 35 Issue (5): 472-480    DOI: 10.16451/j.cnki.issn1003-6059.202205008
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杜永萍1, 牛晋宇1, 王陆霖2, 闫瑞1
1.北京工业大学 信息学部 北京 100124;
2.中国科学院计算技术研究所 计算机体系结构国家重点实验室 北京 100086
Sequential Recommendation Model Based on Temporal Convolution Attention Neural Network
DU Yongping1, NIU Jinyu1, WANG Lulin2, YAN Rui1
1. Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124;
2. State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100086

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摘要 序列推荐任务根据用户与项目的交互记录动态建模用户兴趣,并进行项目推荐.序列推荐模型通常将用户行为视为兴趣进行建模,仅考虑用户行为的顺序,忽略用户行为之间的时间间隔信息.文中将行为序列的时间间隔信息作为预测用户行为的重要因素,提出基于时间卷积注意力神经网络的序列推荐模型.在词嵌入层中引入序列位置信息和时间间隔信息,并设计时间卷积网络对位置信息进行建模,获取用户的长期偏好特征.使用双层自注意力机制对用户短期行为序列中项目之间的关联进行建模,并融合时间间隔信息获取用户短期兴趣特征.最后,通过预训练引入训练数据的全局信息,提升模型推荐性能.在Amazon等数据集上的实验表明,文中模型可有效提升推荐性能.
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关键词 序列推荐自注意力机制时间卷积网络长短期兴趣    
Abstract:Sequential recommendation task aims to dynamically model user interests based on user-item interaction records for item recommendation. In sequential recommendation models, user behaviors are usually modeled as interests. The models only consider the order of user behaviors while ignoring the time interval information between users. In this paper, the time interval information of behavior sequences is taken as an important factor for prediction. A temporal convolution attention neural network model(TCAN) is proposed. In the word embedding layer, the sequential position information and time interval information are introduced, and a temporal convolutional network is designed to model the position information to obtain user's long-term preference features. In addition, the two-layer self-attention mechanism is adopted to model the association between items in the user's short-term behavior sequence, and the time interval information is fused to obtain the user's short-term interest. Finally, the global information of the training data is introduced through pre-training to improve the model recommendation performance. Experiments on three datasets show that the proposed model effectively improves recommendation performance.
Key wordsSequential Recommendation    Self-Attention Mechanism    Temporal Convolution Network    Long and Short Term Interest   
收稿日期: 2022-01-14     
ZTFLH: TP391.1  
通讯作者: 杜永萍,博士,教授,主要研究方向为信息检索、信息抽取、自然语言处理.E-mail:ypdu@bjut.edu.cn.   
作者简介: 牛晋宇,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为推荐系统、知识蒸馏.E-mail:Niujinyu@emails.bjut.edu.cn.
闫 瑞,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为自然语言处理.E-mail:yanrui@emails.bjut.edu.cn.
杜永萍, 牛晋宇, 王陆霖, 闫瑞. 基于时间卷积注意力神经网络的序列推荐模型[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2022, 35(5): 472-480. DU Yongping, NIU Jinyu, WANG Lulin, YAN Rui. Sequential Recommendation Model Based on Temporal Convolution Attention Neural Network. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2022, 35(5): 472-480.
http://manu46.magtech.com.cn/Jweb_prai/CN/10.16451/j.cnki.issn1003-6059.202205008      或     http://manu46.magtech.com.cn/Jweb_prai/CN/Y2022/V35/I5/472
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